Student Perceptions Surveys




        After careful review of each of my student's perception surveys, it was nice to see that all of my students feel comfortable with my teaching and are aware of my care for their well-being in the classroom. I put a lot of effort into showing them how much I care and appreciate their hard work, therefore, it was good to see they are noticing this. While most of my responses were positive in all categories, I have noticed some things I can work on in my future teaching in this, and any, classroom. For starters, the amount of clarity I give students when instructing. Some of my students responded maybe or no to questions involving clarity and if I make them fully aware throughout lessons. Once I gave this careful thought, it made a lot of sense. I have noticed certain students not responding effectively to my guidance and instruction on specific activities. Specifically, when I am instructing in whole group, but getting ready to dismiss to an individual activity. While many students perform appropriately based on my instruction, some still seem to be confused by the way I have explained something. These students also were some of the ones to respond maybe or no on this survey, which helped me see things from their perspective. Aside from this, I want to also work on making sure I am holding all student's interest and motivation throughout lessons. While I am fortunate to have given this survey and found room for growth in my teaching abilities, it is difficult to understand how accurate the results of this survey truly are, as many of my kindergarten students were confused by these questions and unwilling to participate accurately. However, when comparing survey results to lesson reflections, I still have found areas I need to improve on and I am grateful for that.